Minggu, 27 Januari 2013

Beasiswa PPA/BBM Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta

        Hai guys, ada info menarik nih seputar beasiswa PPA/BBM universitas Sebelas Maret. Pendaftaran beasiswa dibuka dari tanggal 28 Januari - 4 Februari 2013. Wah, kok pengumumannya dadakan? Gue kan dah pulang kampung. Kalau itu permasalahan kalian, tenang saja guys, tidak perlu cemas. Pendaftaran beasiswa bisa dilakukan via online kok. Yah, walaupun nantinya juga harus mengumpulkan berkas-berkasnya, tapi setidaknya kalian tidak perlu terburu-buru balik ke solo, khususnya buat kalian yang rumahnya jauh. Lagipula, pengumpulan berkas dilakukan setelah lolos seleksi. Pengumuman lolos seleksi pada tanggal 11 Feb 2013, dan pengumpulan bisa langsung dilakuakan dan paling lambat sampai tanggal 15 Feb 2013.
Bagi yang berminat mengajukan beasiswa PPA / BBM 2013
Silahkan dibaca persyaratan berikut ini:

Persyaratan UMUM
1. Mahasiswa FMIPA (S1/D4 smt. II – VII, D3 Smt II - V)
2. Surat Keterangan Masih Aktif Kuliah
3. Surat Keterangan tidak mengajukan/menerima beasiswa lain
4. Fotocopy KK dan/surat keterangan tidak terikat perkawinan
5. Fotocopy rekening listrik/PBB orangtua
6. Surat keterangan Penghasilan Orangtua (ayah dan Ibu)
7. Fotocopy piagam atau bukti prestasi lainnya (kalau ada)

Persyaratan KHUSUS
a. P P A
1) Fotokopi KHS / IPK min 3.00 ( dilegalisir)
b. B B M
1) Fotokopi KHS / IPK min 2.50 ( dilegalisir)
2) Surat Keterangan tidak mampu dari kelurahan/kepala desa ( sebutkan penghasilan per bulan)

Pendaftaran dibuka mulai tanggal 28 Januari 2013 pada jam 08.00 WIB dan ditutup tanggal 4 Pebruari 2013. Pendaftaran dilaksanakan secara online pada laman web : http://sibea.mawa.uns.ac.id/
Setelah membuka link di atas kalian tinggal pilih mau mengajukan beasiswa apa. Jangan lupa persiapkan scan-an buku tabungan kalian. Yang perlu diperhatikan saat pengisian formulir adalah usahakan semua kolom terisi, terlebih yang wajib diisi. Jika kolom yang wajib diisi tidak terisi, anda tidak bisa menyimpan data tersebut.
Jika berhasil, akan muncul nomor verifikasi untuk pengajuan lebih lanjut ke mawa.

PPA : 88 mhs
BBM : 95 mhs

#Semoga bermanfaat...

Workshop on Nanotechnology for Enviromental and Medical Aplications

         Hai guys, aku mau berbagi sedikit nih tentang pengalamanku mengikuti Workshop on Nanotechnology for Enviromental and Medical Aplications by Prof. Dr. Santiago Gomez Ruiz yang baru saja diadakan di Aula Gedung B Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Jumat 25 Januari 2013 pukul 09.00 WIB - selesai.
         Acara ini diadakan fakultas dalam rangka penyambutan Dies Natalies, dan yang diberi tanggung jawab untuk menjalankannya jurusan kimia, jurusanku. Ya, walau aku tidak banyak membantu dalam keberlangsungan acara, setidaknya aku turut menbantu di bagian konsumsi. Oia, acara ini terbuka untuk umum, sayangnya pada acara kali ini jumlah peserta yang datang terbilang sedikit, mungkin dikarenakan liburan. Ya, memang susah untuk mengumpulkan massa pada saat liburan seperti ini.

  Oia, di sini aku akan sedikit membagi materi yang dibawakan Prof. Dr. Santiago Gómez-Ruiz (Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the Departamento de Quimica Inorganica y Analitica, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Calle Tulipan s/n, 28933, Mostoles (Madris), Spain), tapi abstarknya saja. Jujur saat Prof. Santiago menyampaikan materinya aku juga tidak mengerti sama sekali, oopss maksudnya belum mengerti. Selain karena my english is bad, aku juga belum paham tentang materi yang dibawakan. Maklumlah aku mahasiswa semester 3, belum mendapatkan materi seperti itu. Walaupun tidak mengerti aku mencoba untuk mendengarkan saja, mungkin saja ada kata-kata yang akan ku ingat. :)

Waktu Prof. Santiago menyampaikan materinya aku tidak mengambil gambar karena terlalu sibuk mengurus konsumsi. Pikirku juga sudah ada Tim Pubdekdok, jadi aku bisa meminta fotonya. Tapi karna sampai sekarang aku belum dapat fotonya, aku mencoba mencari di internet dan akhirnya. Ini dia Prof. Santiago. . . :)
Mungkin basa-basinya sampai di sini saja, kita langsung menginjak ke materi yang dibawakannya. 
Check this Out.

Materi I

Since the discovery of hydrogen evolution through the photoelectrochemical splitting of water on n-type TiO2 electrodes, the productio of hydrogen using solar energy has been considered one og the most important approaches to solve the worldwide extended energy problem. In addition, using similar approaches, analogous systems based also in  TiO2 are useful photocatalysts for the elimination of organic pollutants of waters.
These applications have attracted in interest of many scientists which are currently working on the increase of the effectivity of these systems by extending the response of wide-bandgap semiconductor photocatalysts into the visible light range, which seems to be critical for the exponential advance of photocatalysts in enviromental remediation and renewable energy generation.
The strategy of cation and/or anion doping has been widely used in titanium oxide syntheses to modify the electronic structure and, thus, response ranges of photocatalysts. 
Following different reported synthetic methods, we have recently doped mesoporous nano-sized titanium oxide with zinc ions using different synthetic and calcination methods, in order to observe the influence of the metal ion in the band gap value, as well as on the structural and catalytic properties of TiO2-based materials. 
Our latest result show the formation of nanoparticles of mesoporous titanium oxide that on raising the zinc amount show a detriment of the band gap which may be useful for the use of visible light for the decontamination of waters. In addition, the crystallinity and others structural parameters have also been strongly modified upon the doping with zinc. 
This communication will include the most recent result in this field with a detailed study of the photocatalytic   reactions for the generation of polluted waters.

1See for example: X. Chen, S. Shen, L. Guo, S. S. Mao Chem. Rev. 2010, 110, 6503.
2See for example: a) S. S. Mao, X. Chen, Int. J.Energy Res. 2007, 31, 619; b) H. Tada, T. Kiyonaga, S. Naya, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2009, 38, 1849.
3see for example: R. Asahi, T. Kiyonaga, S. Naya, Chem. Soc. Rev. 2009, 38, 1849.
4See for example: R. Asahi, T. Morikawa, T. Ohwaki, K. Aoki, Y. Taga, Science 2001, 293, 269.
5S. Sánchez-Munoz, D. Pérez-Quintanilla, S. Gómez-Ruiz, Mat. Res. Bull. 2013, 48, 250.  

Materi II 

Nanostructured silica-based materials such as MCM-41, SBA-15, and some other have been studied in a wide variety of biological applications. These materials have been loaded with many drugs such as anti-inflammatory/analgesic drugs, antibiotics, bactericidal, anti-hypertensive drugs, antidepressant, anti-ulcer and anti-osteoporotic drugs, being able to locally deliver drugs for the treatment of bone phatologies and complex diseases. The first study of the functionalization of these materials with metal complexes with anticancer activity was carried out with cisplatin, and similar approach was recently reported by our group, who has synthesized titanocene-functionalized MCM-41 or SBA-15 starting from different titanocene dichloride derivatives with anticancer activity. 
Thus, our group started with the functionalization of nanostructured silica with many other metals complexes with cytotoxic properties and in these investigations even metal nanoparticles have been supported onto the silica-based nanostructured scaffolds and have been tested against several cancer cell lines observing interesting result.
For our studies, one can see that the higher permeation of the membranes of the cancer cells, in comparison to the healthy cells, in one of the advantages for the specific use of these materials in chemotherapy. In addition, these materials seem to be useful as bone fillers for in situ treatment of bone tumors such as osteosarcoma or condroblasma upon local implantations which may avoid recurrence of the tumor. 
The deep study of these novel nanosystems led us to think the possibility too prepare similar materials fuctionalized with natural products with potential application as anticancer drugs and less number of side effect, due to their convenient antineoplasic properties.
In this communication an overview of the recently published result, as well as the ongoing investigations of our group in this field will be presented and discussed.
1See for example: M. Vallet-Regĺ, M. Colilla, B. González, Chem. Soc. Rev. 2011, 40, 596-607.
2C. Y. Lai, B. G. Trewyn, D. M. Jeftinija, K. Jeftinija, S. Xu, S. Jeftinija, V. S. Lin, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125, 4451-4459.
3See for the examples: a) D. Pérez-Quintanilla, S. Gómez-Ruiz, G. N. Kaluderović, Ž. Žižak, Z. D. Juranić, I. Sierra, S. Prashar, I. Del Hierro, M. Fajardo, Chem. Eur. J., 2009, 15, 5588-5597; b) G. N. Kaluderović, D. Pérez-Quintanilla, I. Sierra, S. Prashar, I. Del Hierro, Ž. Žižak, Z. D. Juranić, M. Fajardo, S. Gómez-Ruiz, J. Mat. Chem. 2010, 20, 806-814; c) G. N. Kaluderović, D. Pérez-Quintanilla, Ž. Žižak, Z. D. Juranić, S. Gómez-Ruiz, Dalton Trans. 2010, 39, 2597-2608; d) A. García-Penas, S. Gómez-Ruiz, D. Pérez-Quintanilla, R. Paschke, I. Sierra, S. Prashar, I. Del Hierro, G. N. Kaluderović, J. Inorg. Biochem. 2012, 106, 100-110.
4S. Sánchez-Munoz, S. Gómez-Ruiz, D. Pérez-Quintanilla, S. Morante-Zarcero, I. Sierra, S. Prashar, R. Paschke, G. N. Kaluderović, ChemMedChem 2012, 7, 670-679.  

Sumber  Prof. Dr. Santiago Gómez-Ruiz
Picture from http://www.escet.urjc.es/~sgomez/

Jumat, 25 Januari 2013

Lyric Promise You bySuper Junior KRY [Rom/Trans]


[Yesung] Promise you… Promise you
[Kyuhyun] Kawaranai nanikao sinagara
Kawatte iku kisetsuwo aruita
Kimito itsudemo tewo tsunaginagara kitanda
[Yesung] Tesaguride susunde kita hibimo
Kimiga itukara mayowazuni koreta teda
Tsuyoku ireta donnatokimo
[Ryeowook] Korekara arayuru
Keshikiga kawatta toshitemo
Bokurawa konomamade iyou
[All] Promise you kimiwo omotte bokuwa ikuruyo
[Yesung] Tsunagatte iru kokoroto kokorokara
[All] Promise you tsunataetainowa
[Ryeowook] Tada aishiteru
[Kyuhyun] Chikauyo eien no kakera o
[Yesung] Chiisana kenkamo nandomo sitane
Surechigai hanareta hibimo arushi
[Ryeowook] Sono tabini itsumo kimiga hitsuyou tthe wakattanda
[Kyuhyun] Kimiga moshimo tsumazuku tokiniwa
Dareyori ichibannitewo sashinoberu bokude itaiyo sobani isasete
[Ryeowook] Wakareto deaiwo kurikaeshi iku naka demo
Bokurawa tonarini iyou
[All] Promise you kimiwo omotte bokuwa ikitai
[Yesung] Munega atsuku koikogareteiru
[All] Promise you todoke tainowa
[Kyuhyun] Tada aishiteru
[Ryeowook] Itsudemo yuukanna hino omoide
[Kyuhyun] Mosimo ashitaga yamini nomarete
michi shirubesae naito sitemo
[Yesung] Kowagaru kotowa naiyo udewo hanasanaide kitto bokurawa
[Ryeowook] Dokoedomo ikeru
[All] Promise you kimiwo omotte bokuwa ikuruyo
tsunagatte iru kokoroto kokorokara
Promise you tsunataetainowa tada aishiteru
Chikauyo eien no kakera o
[All] Chikauyo eien no kakera o

English Translation:

While seeking unchanged things, we’ve walked in the changing seasons.
Always we came along together holding our hands.
I could passed the days I wasn’t sure without losing a way thanks for you,
and I could stay strong anytime.
Even though much scenery might be changed in our future, we won’t be changed.
Promise you. I will live thinking of you. We are the one from heart to heart.
Promise You. What I want to tell is just “I love you”.
I will promise the piece of eternity.
We’ve had many little quarrels. We also had some days apart each other.
But each time, it reminded me that I need you.
When you have difficulties, I want to be the first man who gives you a hand.
Let me stay beside you.
Even if we repeat parting or encounter,
let’s stay next to one another.
Promise You. I want to protect you in my whole life, my heart is hot
(and being full of love??)
Promise You, what I want to send you is just “I love you” with never changed love.
If tomorrow is covered with darkness and there is no way,
you need not to be afraid. Unless you leave my hand,
we can go anywhere.
Promise you. I will live thinking of you. We are the one from heart to heart.
Promise You. What I want to tell is just “I love you”.
I will promise the piece of eternity.
I will promise the piece of eternity.
  Translation Credits: minejpelf
Romanizations by: kpoplyrics.net

Rabu, 16 Januari 2013

Lyric Break Down by Super junior M [Rom/Trans]



[Henry] Zhe bu xiang shi wo
Wan quan leng jing bu lai
Lu ren dou kan chuan
Dui ni wo you zhong te bie qi dai
[Donghae] Shi kong le zen me ban
Kuai yao li bu kai
[Eunhyuk] Yeah hua ti dou shi fen pu tong
Wei he xin tiao yi chang xiong yong
Yi ju yi dong
Zai ni mian qian quan bei qing song kan tou
[Kyuhyun] Yin wei wo mi shi zai ni yan shen de hai
[All] Wu zhuang de xin zang wei ni break down
Sheng xia chi luo de gao bai mei fang bei de ai
[Zhou Mi] Fen bu gu shen yao yong gan dang kai liu yan de zi dan
So baby let’s go go go go go
[All] Leng ku de mian ju wei ni break down ([Henry] down)
Suo you biao qin dou tou lu dui ni de cong bai
[Siwon] Shang le ye bu hou hui gan kai
[Donghae] Zhi ke wang ni de yi lai
[All] So baby let’s go go go go go
[Ryeowook] Yan lu shang xie xia kui jia pin ming pao de geng kuai
Gen shang ni bao hu zhe ni bu bei shang hai
[Zhou Mi] Jiu suan shang hen lei lei wo ye dou bu guan wei ni
[Donghae] Oh yeah oh yeah
[Sungmin] Ni ye xu jue de tai feng kuang ([Henry] Yeah you can call me crazy)
[Sungmin] Qi shi wo ye zhe yang xiang ([Eunhyuk] Dan wu fa ting zhi ai ni)
[Donghae] Ai xiang yi duan hui zhong du xuan lu
[All] Wu zhuang de xin zang wei ni break down
Sheng xia chi luo de gao bai mei fang bei de ai
[Kyuhyun] Fen bu gu shen yao yong gan dang kai liu yan de zi dan
[All] So baby let’s go go go go go
[All] Leng ku de mian ju wei ni break down
Suo you biao qin dou tou lu dui ni de cong bai
[Siwon] Shang le ye bu hou hui gan kai
[Donghae] Zhi ke wang ni de yi lai
[All] So baby let’s go go go go go
[Ryeowook] Xiang kuai yao zhao hui zi ji que you shi bai
Ni you breaking me down breaking me down
[Zhou Mi] Duo shao ci yi jing zou yuan you zai hui lai
Ai zong breaking me down breaking me down
(Dance break)
[Kyuhyun] Wu zhuang de xin zang wei ni break down
Sheng xia chi luo de gao bai mei fang bei de ai
[Henry] Fen bu gu shen yao yong gan dang kai liu yan de zi dan
So baby let’s [All] go go go go go
[Kyuhyun] Leng ku de mian ju wei ni break down
Suo you biao qin dou tou lu dui ni de cong bai
[Siwon] Shang le ye bu hou hui gan kai
[All] Zhi ke wang ni de yi lai
So baby let’s go go go go go
[Henry] Tui lu yi jing quan bu de break down
[Zhou Mi] Hua cheng fei xu yi ban de break down
[Donghae] Ai ni rang wo che di de break down

English Translation:

This isn’t like me
Can’t calm down at all
Passer-bys all see through
I have some sort of special anticipation for you
Lost control what to do now
Almost can’t leave
Conversation is very simple
why is my heartbeat so abnormal
Every movement in front of you
can easily be seen through
Because I’m most in the sea of your gaze
Armour clad heart break down for you
Only left with naked confessions
Love with no defense
Selfless must be brave bravery
Blocking the bullet of rumors
So baby let’s go go go go go
Cold mask Break Down for you
All expressions reveal
The way I worship you
After hurting I still won’t regret
A dependency on thirsting for you
So baby let’s go go go go go
On the way take off our armour
Will run faster will all our might
Catching up to protect you
You won’t get hurt
Even if I’ll be wounded I don’t care
for you
Oh yeah oh yeah
You may think it’s too crazy (yeah you can call me crazy)
Actually I think that way too (but can’t stop loving you)
Love is like a melody that can catch a virus
Armour clad heart break down for you
Only left with naked confessions
Love with no defense
A selflessness must be bravery
Blocking the bullet of rumors
So baby let’s go go go go go
Cold mask Break Down for you
All expressions reveal
The way I worship you
After hurting I still won’t regret
A dependency on thirsting for you
So baby let’s go go go go go
Thought I almost found myself again
but I failed once more
You Breakin me down breakin me down
How many times already walked all the way and come back again
Love is breakin me down breakin me down
(Dance break)
Armour clad heart break down for you
Only left with naked confessions
Love with no defense
A selfless bravery
Blocking the bullet of rumors
So baby let’s go go go go go
Cold mask Break Down for you
All expressions reveal
The way I worship you
After hurting I still won’t regret
A dependency on thirsting for you
So baby let’s go go go go go
Back up until the end Break Down
Like melted into ashes break Down
Break Down~
Break Down~
Love you make me completely break down~

Lyric Tried to Walk by B1A4 [Han/Rom/Tran]

▽ Artist : B1A4 (비원에이포)
▽ Title Track : Tried To Walk (걸어본다)
▽ Album : 3rd Mini Album - In The Wind
▽ Type : EP, Studio
▽ Music Video : Yes
▽ Release Date : 2012.11.12
▽ Genre : Idol, Dance Pop
▽ Company | Publisher : WM Entertainment | Pony Canyon Korea

Hangeul + romanization

나 혼자 이렇게 널 두고 오는 길
na honja ireohke neol dugo oneun gil
잊을게 지울게 까맣게 타버린 내 사랑
ijeulge jiulge kkamahke tabeorin nae sarang

그런 표정 짓지 마 너와의 마지막 대화
geureon pyojeong jitji ma neowaui majimak daehwa
실망은 하지 마 그래 나 같은 놈
silmangeun haji ma geurae na gateun nom
이젠 만나지 마 나 먼저 가볼게
ijen mannaji ma na meonjeo gabolge
점점 멀어져 가네요 점점 사라져 가네요
jeomjeom meoreojyeo ganeyo jeomjeom sarajyeo ganeyo
쉽게 잊지는 말아요 내가 너무 아프니까
swipge itjineun marayo naega neomu apeunikka

니가 없는 거리를 걸어 본다 (본다)
niga eomneun gorireul goro bonda (bonda)
니가 없는 거리를 걸어 본다 (본다)
niga eomneun georireul georeo bonda (bonda)

나 혼자 이렇게 널 두고 오는 길
na honja ireohke neol dugo oneun gil
잊을게 지울게 까맣게 타버린 내 사랑
ijeulge jiulge kkamahke tabeorin nae sarang

사랑이 떠나나 봐 이 바람 타고 저 멀리 날아가나 봐 oh oh
sarangi tteonana bwa i baram tago jeo meolli naragana bwa oh oh
모든 게 변하나 봐 너도 나처럼 이렇게 또 변하나 봐
modeun ge byeonhana bwa neodo nacheoreom ireohke tto byeonhana bwa
그래도 나 아파도 후련하다
geuraedo na apado huryeonhada
이 기분 조차도 난 지금 버겁다
i gibun jochado nan jigeum beogeopda
불안한 듯 바라보는 떼를 쓰는 아이 같이
buranhan deut baraboneun ttereul sseuneun ai gachi
그대 눈물이 돌아서는 내 어깨를 잡는다
geudae nunmuri doraseoneun nae eokkaereul jamneunda
이별은 달지만 난 괜찮아 아프지만
ibyeoreun daljiman nan gwaenchanha apeujiman
그대 그림자 안에서 발을 빼
geudae geurimja aneseo bareul ppae
우리 반지도 빼
uri banjido ppae

점점 멀어져 가네요 점점 사라져 가네요
jeomjeom meoreojyeo ganeyo jeomjeom sarajyeo ganeyo
미워하지는 말아요 내가 너무 아프니까 Baby
miwohajineun marayo naega neomu apeunikka Baby

니가 없는 거리를 걸어 본다 (본다)
niga eomneun georireul georeo bonda (bonda)
니가 없는 거리를 걸어 본다 (본다)
niga eomneun georireul georeo bonda (bonda)

아프다 너무나 그립다 간다 간다 떠나간다
apeuda nomuna geuripda ganda ganda tteonaganda
너는 아직 모르겠지 알지 못하겠지 힘겨워하는 너를 보면서
neoneun ajing-moreugetji alji mot-hagetji himgyeowohaneun noreul bomyeonseo
내가 더 아파서 이렇게 널 보낸다
naega deo apaseo ireohke neol bonaenda
눈물이 흐른다 너와 나 너무 사랑했으니까
nunmuri heureunda neowa na neomu saranghaesseunikka

니가 없는 거리를 걸어 본다 (본다) 또 걸어본다
niga eomneun georireul georeo bonda (bonda) tto georeobonda
니가 없는 거리를 걸어 본다 (본다) 그대 나오죠
niga eomneun georireul georeo bonda (bonda) geudae naojyo
니가 없는 거리를 걸어 본다 (본다)
niga eomneun georireul georeo bonda (bonda)
니가 떠난 거리를 걸어 본다 (본다)
niga tteonan gorireul georeo bonda (bonda)
On my way back from leaving you
I’ll forget you, I’ll erase you, my burnt and blackened love

Don’t make that face, this is my last conversation with you
Don’t be disappointed – yes, don’t meet a guy like me now
I’ll be on my way first

I’m getting farther away from you, you’re disappearing
Don’t easily forget me, because it’ll hurt too much

I’m walking on these streets without you
I’m walking on these streets without you

On my way back from leaving you
I’ll forget you, I’ll erase you, my burnt and blackened love

I guess love is leaving – it rides the wind and flies far away
I guess everything is changing – I guess you’re changing just like me

Even though it hurts, I’m relieved
Even this feeling is too burdensome to me
You’re looking at me nervously, like a whining child
Your tears are holding onto my shoulders that have turned away
Saying goodbye is sweet but I’m okay though it hurts
I take my foot out from your shadow
I take off our ring too

I’m getting farther away from you, you’re disappearing
Don’t hate me because it’ll hurt too much babe

I’m walking on these streets without you
I’m walking on these streets without you

It hurts, I miss you so much
I’m going, I’m going, I’m leaving

You probably don’t know yet
You probably can’t know yet
I look at you, who is struggling…

Because it hurts more for me, I’m letting you go like this
Tears are flowing because you and I, we loved so much

I’m walking on these streets without you
I’m walking on these streets without you
I’m walking on these streets without you
I’m walking on these streets without you

Han-geul & Album Information :: Daum Music
Romanization :: Auli
Sumber :: ✿Chokollit
Readmore:http://www.kpoplyrics.net/b1a4-tried-to-walk-lyrics-english romanized.html#ixzz2I83UwyrI

Rabu, 09 Januari 2013

Lyric Dancing Queen by Girls Generation [Han/Rom/Tran]

 Artist : Girls' Generation (소녀시대)
Title Track : Dancing Queen
Album : 4th Album - I Got A Boy
Type : Regular, Studio
Music Video : Yes
Release Date : 2012.12.21
Genre : Idol, Dance Pop
Company | Publisher : SM Entertainment | KMP Holdings


han-geul + romanization

Girls’ generation
Let’s dance
Hit the beat and take it to the fast line

무대 위 너를 처음 봤을 때 내 주위에 시간들은 모두 멈추고 가슴만 뛰어
mudae wi neoreul cheoeum bwasseul ttae nae juwie sigan deureun modu meomchugo gaseumman ttwio
평범한 나의 인생을 바꿔준 넌 나의 댄싱 퀸 지루한 나의 일상을 깨워준 하룻밤의 파티
pyeongbeomhan naui insaengeul bakkwojun neon naui dancing queen jiruhan naui ilsangeul kkaewojun harutbam-ui party

내 맘을 사로잡는 댄싱 그 화려한 솜씨
nae mameul sarojamneun dancing geu hwaryeohan somssi
너의 그 이기적인 맵시 그 아찔한 섹시
noui geu igijeogin maepsi geu ajjir-han sexy
숨 막힐 듯 해 Yeah
sum makhil deut hae Yeah

한참을 지나 내가 무대 위에서 그때 그대처럼 춤추고 노래해 마치 꿈같아 정말로
hanchameul jina naega mude wieseo geuttae geudae cheoreom chumchugo noraehae machi kkumgata jeongmallo
평범한 나의 인생을 바꿔준 넌 나의 댄싱 퀸 지루한 나의 일상을 깨워준 하룻밤의꿈
pyeongbeomhan naui insaengeul bakkwojun neon naui dancing queen jiruhan naui ilsangeul kkaewojun harutbam-ui kkum

내 맘을 사로잡는 댄싱 그 화려한 솜씨
nae mameul sarojamneun dancing geu hwaryeohan somssi
너의 그 이기적인 맵시 그 아찔한 섹시
neoui geu igijogin maepsi geu ajjir-han sexy
리듬에 몸을 맡겨 나 워오 Yeah
rideume momeul matgyeo na wo-o Yeah

넌 나의 댄싱 퀸 누가 뭐래도 영원히
neon naui dancing queen nuga mworaedo yeongwonhi
(I don’t care what anyone thinks cause you’re the one who makes me dance
You’re one the who makes me sing  Can’t nobody be my dancing queen but you)
내 마음속의 스타 넌 나의 hero 넌 나의 hero 넌 나의 hero
nae maeumsog-ui seuta neon naui hero neon naui hero neon naui hero
(I get the “chills” when I see you move see you groove
The way you shake your body is “Look at me everybody!” Your dancing makes me “hot”)

댄싱 그 화려한 댄싱 (너의 화려한 댄싱)
dancing geu hwaryeohan dancing (neoui hwaryeohan dancing)
니 이기적인 맵시 그 아찔한 섹시 (Oh 너의 이기적인 맵시 uh uh)
ni igijogin maepsi geu ajjir-han sexy (Oh neoui igijogin maepsi uh uh)
리듬에 몸을 맡겨 나 Yeah
rideume momeul matgyeo na Yeah
날 사로잡은 댄싱 니 그 화려한 솜씨
nal sarojabeun dancing ni geu hwaryeohan somssi
그 이기적인 맵시 아찔한 섹시
geu igijogin maepsi ajjir-han sexy
숨 막힐 듯한 너 Yeah
sum makhil deut-han neo Yeah

Bring it on

파티 젊음을 불태울 댄싱파티
party jeolmeumeul bultae ul dancing party
모두 다 함께 해 파티
moduda hamkke hae party
젊음을 불태울 댄싱파티
jeolmeumeul bultae ul dancing party


Girls’ Generation
Let’s dance
Hit the beat and take it to the fast line
When I saw you for the first time on the stage
The time around me had stopped and only my heart raced
You, who has changed my normal life, are my dancing queen
The party that night has awakened my boring routine
The dancing that captivated my heart, those flashy gestures
Your selfishly nice figure, that breathtaking sexiness
It makes me lose my breath yeah
After a long time, I stand on stage
Dancing and singing like you back then
It seems like a dream, for real
You, who has changed my normal life, are my dancing queen
The dream that night has awakened by boring routine
The dancing that captivated my heart, those flashy gestures
Your selfishly nice figure, that breathtaking sexiness
I trust my body to the rhythm yeah
You are my dancing queen forever no matter what anyone says
(I don’t care what anyone thinks
Cause you’re the one who makes me dance.
You’re one the who makes me sing.
Can’t nobody be my dancing queen but you.)
You’re the star of my heart, my hero, you’re my hero, you’re my hero
(I get the “chills” when I see you move, see you groove.
The way you shake your body is “Look at me everybody!”
Your dancing makes me hot.)
Dancing, that flashy dancing
Your selfishly nice figure, that breathtaking sexiness
I trust my body to the rhythm yeah
The dancing that captivated me, your flashy gestures
That selfishly nice figure, breathtaking sexiness
You take my breath away yeah
Bring it on
Party, a dancing party to set fire to our youth
Everyone all together party
A dancing party to set fire to our youth
Han-geul & Album Information : Daum Music
Romanization : Auli 
Sumber : ✿Chokollit
 English Translation: http://www.kpoplyrics.net/snsd-dancing-queen-lyrics-english-romanized.html#ixzz2I7VaSkDF

Lyric I Got A Boy by Girls Generation [Han/Rom/Tran]

▽ Artist : Girls' Generation (소녀시대)
▽ Title Track : I Got A Boy
▽ Album : 4th Album - I Got A Boy
▽ Type : Regular, Studio
▽ Music Video : Yes
▽ Release Date : 2013.01.01
▽ Genre : Idol, Dance Pop
▽ Company | Publisher : SM Entertainment | KMP Holdings

Hangeul + romanization

A-yo GG Yeah Yeah 시작해 볼까?
A-yo GG Yeah Yeah Sijakhae bolkka?
어머 얘 좀 봐라 얘 무슨 일이 있었길래 머릴 잘랐대? 응?
O~mo ye jom bwara yae museun iri isseotgillae moril jallatdae? eung?
어머 또 얘 좀 보라고 머리부터 발끝까지 스타일이 바뀌었어
O~mo tto yae jom borago meoributeo balkkeut kkaji seutairi bakkwieosseo
왜 그랬대? 궁금해 죽겠네 왜 그랬대? 말해 봐봐 좀
wae geuraetdae? gunggeumhae jukgenne wae geuraetdae? mar-hae bwa bwa jom

Ha Ha Let me introduce myself Here comes trouble 따라 해
Ha Ha Let me introduce myself Here comes trouble ttara hae
오 오오 예 오 오오 예 오 너 잘났어 정말
O~ o o e O~ oo e O~ neo jallasseo jongmal

지가 뭔데? 웃겨 너무 콧대 센 거 아니? 나보고 평범하단다 얘
jiga mwonde? utgyeo neomu kkotdae sen go ani? nabogo pyeongbeom hadanda yae
어 그 남자 완전 맘에 들었나 봐 말도 안돼 말도 안돼
O~ geu namja wanjeon mame deureonna bwa maldo andwae maldo andwae
너무 예뻐지고 섹시해 졌어 그 남자 때문이지? 물어볼 뻔 했다니까? 너 바꾼 화장품이 뭔지
neomu yeppojigo sexyhae jyeosseo geu namja ttaemuniji? mureobol ppeon haetdanikka? neo bakkun hwajang pumi mwonji

사실 나 처음 봤어 상처 입은 야수 같은 깊은 눈
sasil na cheoeum bwasseo sangcheo ibeun yasu gateun gipeun nun
얘기만 해도 어질 했다니까?
yaegiman haedo ojir-haetdanikka?
너 잘났어 정말 잘났어 정말
neo jallasseo jongmal jallasseo jongmal

오 오오 예 오 오오 예 오 너 잘났다 정말
O~ oo e O~ oo e O~ neo jallatda jongmal
오 오오 예 오 오오 예 오 너 잘났어 정말
O~ oo e O~ oo e O~ neo jallasseo jongmal

A-yo Stop Let me put it down another way

I got a boy 멋진 I got a boy 착한 I got a boy handsome boy 내 맘 다 가져간
I got a boy meotjin I got a boy chakhan I got a boy handsome boy nae mam da gajyeogan
I got a boy 멋진 I got a boy 착한 I got a boy awesome boy 완전 반했나 봐
I got a boy meotjin I got a boy chakhan I got a boy awesome boy wanjeon banhaenna bwa

아 내 왕자님 언제 이 몸을 구하러 와 주실 텐가요?
 A~ne wangjanim eonje i momeul guhareo wa jusil ten-gayo?
하얀 꿈처럼 날 품에 안아 올려 날아가 주시겠죠?
hayan kkum cheoreom nal pume ana ollyeo naraga jusigetjyo?

나 깜짝 멘붕이야 그 사람은 내 민 낯이 궁금하대
na kkamjjak menbungiya geu sarameun nae min nachi gunggeumhadae
완전 맘에 들어 못 이긴 척 보여줘도 괜찮을까?
wanjeon mame deureo monigin cheok boyeojwodo gwaenchaneulkka?
오우 절대로 안되지 그치? 그치?
o-u jeoldaero andweji geuchi? geuchi?
우리 지킬 건 지키자 맞지 맞지
uri jikil geon jikija matji matji
그의 맘을 모두 가질 때까지 이건 절대로 잊어버리지 말라고
geu-ui mameul modu gajil ttaekkaji igeon jeoldaero ijeobeoriji mallago

오 오오 예 오 오오 예 오 밤을 새도 모자라 다 다
O~ oo e O~ oo e O~ bameul saedo mojara da da
오 오오 예 오 오오 예 오 우리 최고 관심사 다 다
O~ oo e O~ oo e O~ uri choego gwansimsa da da

내 말 들어봐 그 아이 너네 알지? 좀 어리지만 속은 꽉 찼어
nae mal deureobwa geu ai neone alji? jom orijiman sogeun kkwak chasseo
어떨 땐 오빠처럼 듬직하지만 애교를 부릴 땐 너무 예뻐 죽겠어
eotteol ttaen oppa cheoreom deumjikhajiman aegyoreul buril taten neomu yeppeo jukgesseo

오 오오 예 오 오오 예 오 너 미쳤어 미쳤어
O~ oo e O~ oo e O~ neo michyeosseo michyeosseo
오 오오 예 오 오오 예 오 너 미쳤어 미쳤어
O~ oo e O~ oo e O~ neo michyeosseo michyeosseo

난 정말 화가 나 죽겠어 내 남잔 날 여자로 안보는 걸
nan jongmal hwaga na jukgesseo nae namjan nal yeojaro anboneun geol
막연할 땐 어떡하면 내가 좋겠니? 질투라도 나게 해볼까? 속상해 어떡해 나?
magyeonhal ttaen eotteokhamyeon naega jokenni? jilturado nage haebolkka? soksanghae eotteokhae na?
말도 안 돼 말도 안 돼
maldo andwae maldo andwae

Dont stop Let’s bring it back to 140

I got a boy 멋진 I got a boy 착한 I got a boy handsome boy 내 맘 다 가져간
I got a boy meotjin I got a boy chakhan I got a boy handsome boy nae mam da gajyeogan
I got a boy 멋진 I got a boy 착한 I got a boy awesome boy 완전 반했나 봐
I got a boy meotjin I got a boy chakhan I got a boy awesome boy wanjeon banhaenna bwa

언제나 내 곁엔 내편이 돼주고 귀 기울여주는 너 너
eonjena nae gyeoten naepyeon i dwaejugo gwi giullyeojuneun no o o no o o
난 이대로 지금 행복해 잘 될 거니까
nan idaero jigeum haengbokhae jal dwel geonikka

I got a boy 멋진 I got a boy 착한 I got a boy handsome boy 내 맘 다 가져간
I got a boy meotjin I got a boy chakhan I got a boy handsome boy nae mam da gajyeogan
I got a boy 멋진 I got a boy 착한 I got a boy awesome boy 완전 반했나 봐
I got a boy meotjin I got a boy chakhan I got a boy awesome boy wanjeon banhaenna bwa x2

(아 내 왕자님 언제 이 몸을 구하러 와 주실 텐가요?
A~ne wangjanim eonje i momeul guhareo wa jusil ten-gayo?
하얀 꿈처럼 날 품에 안아 올려 날아가 주시겠죠?
hayan kkum cheoreom nal pume ana ollyeo naraga jusigetjyo?)

I got a boy 멋진
I got a boy meotjin


Ayo! GG! Yeah Yeah, shall we start?
Gosh! Look at her, look
What happened to her that she cut her hair? huh?
Gosh! Again look at her, look!
From head to toe, her style has changed
Why did she do that? I’m curious to death
why did she do that? Tell me
Ha ha! Let me introduce myself!
Here comes trouble! Follow after me!
Oh oh oh yeah oh, oh oh yeah oh
You really are something else!
Who is she? Ridiculous
Do you know you’re too self-assertive? She thinks I’m average
Yeah, I guess she really liked him!
No way! No way!
She became so pretty and sexy, it’s because of him, right?
I almost asked her what her new makeup was
Truthfully, I’ve seen it for the first time
The deep eyes, like a scarred beast
I was dizzy by just talking to him!
You really are something else! You really are something else!
Oh ohh eh oh
(Here’s come trouble, hey girl listen!)
Oh ohh eh oh
You really are something else! (something!)
Oh ohh eh oh (Hey!)
Oh ohh eh oh (Na na na na hey!)
You really are something else!
Ayo! Stop! Let me put it down another way.
I got a boy, a handsome one! I got a boy, a kind one!
I got a boy handsome boy, who took all my heart
I got a boy, a handsome one! I got a boy, a kind one!
I got a boy awesome boy, I must have really fallen for him
Ah, my prince! When are you gonna come save me?
Will you lift me in your arms and fly, like a white dream?
I’m like, surprised, mental collapse!
He wants to see my face without makeup.
I really like him, would it be okay to show it to him?
Oh! Never! Right? Right?
Let’s keep what needs to be kept, right! right!
Don’t ever forget this until you take all of his heart!
Oh ohh eh oh, Oh ohh eh oh
Even if I stay up all night, it’s not enough, everything everything
Oh ohh eh oh, Oh ohh eh oh
Our biggest interest, everything everything
Listen to me, you all know him, right?
He’s a bit young but he’s full inside
Sometimes he is as reliable as an oppa but when he acts charming, he is so cute
Oh ohh eh oh, Oh ohh eh oh
You’re crazy, crazy
Oh ohh eh oh, Oh ohh eh oh
You’re crazy, crazy
I’m really angry, my boy doesn’t look at me as a girl
What should I do when I feel hopeless?
Should I make him feel jealous? I’m so upset! What do I do?
No way! No way!
Don’t stop! Let’s bring it back to 140
I got a boy, a handsome one! I got a boy, a kind one!
I got a boy handsome boy, who took all my heart
I got a boy, a handsome one! I got a boy, a kind one!
I got a boy awesome boy, I must have really fallen for him
Always next to me, it’s you, who’s on my side and listens to me
You oh oh oh oh~ you oh oh oh oh~
I’m happy as it is right now, cause everything will work
I got a boy, a handsome one! I got a boy, a kind one!
I got a boy handsome boy, who took all my heart
I got a boy, a handsome one! I got a boy, a kind one!
I got a boy awesome boy, I must have really fallen for him (x2)
I got a boy, a handsome one!

Han-geul & Album Information :: Daum Music
Romanization :: Auli
Sumber :: ✿Chokollit